Sunday 2 August 2015

Sub $30 Windows Phone? Seriously!

This weekend, I was in need of a new phone after my Samsung S3 gave up the fight. I wasn't looking for a performer, just something to get me through on the cheap.

Knowing I wouldn't tick all the boxes on the performance scale, I was determined instead to find the dirt cheapest phone out there...

So, enter the Nokia Lumina 530 Windows Phone.

I wasn't expecting much... Not for $27.55 inc GST mind you.

Surprisingly though as a phone, it has performed very well!

The clarity of the voice calls was fantastic, like back in the days when phones were just phones and all that mattered was the quality of the call.

The smart phone functions of the Windows 8.1 os were a bit of a mystery at first as its nothing like Android and Blackberry os. But once I pealed back the layers, the unique features came to the surface. Windows makes so much more sense, on a touch screen phone, more so than as a desktop os... And there's alot it can do that Android and IOS can learn from...

Within a few hours, I'd migrated all my contacts, gmail, yahoo, facebook, skype and hotmail into one single portal. A total convergence of all systems, seamlessly working as one.

At present, there's nothing I cant do, that I wasn't doing on my Samsung S3. Windows phone has very low demands on this sub $30 dollar phone. I know, for games and memory intensive tasks, it may show the seams of its minimal 512megs of ram and 4gb storage, but for daily tasks, its not skipped a beat.

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